Keynote Speakers
Prof. Qinggang Meng is Professor of AI and Robotics. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and Director of Research of the Department of Computer Science at Loughborough University, UK. He is the research theme leader of Vision, AI, Autonomous and Human-Computer Systems and leads the AI-Robotics Laboratory. Prof. Meng has significant expertise and experience with strong track record in intelligent robotics, AI, machine learning, embedded AI and computer vision. As PI, he obtained a number of projects in recent years in above areas in collaboration with industry, which are funded by Innovate UK, Newton Fund, and EPSRC etc. He has also several international collaboration projects. Prof. Meng is an Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. Cybernetics and he has over 100 publications in his research areas. More information can be fund from his homepage.
Mr. Yang
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